If you want to improve your game with women or just want to become a more powerful man, I recommend you to get my book. One of the things is that many guys don’t know what character traits to have that really make women attracted to them. Of course one of the goals of every man is to be successful with women and enjoy their life. We want to know these truths about attracting the ladies. One of the problems is that it is not easy to know these truths. You either have to figure it out for yourself, or you need someone who knows the knowledge to teach it to you. You need to learn it from someone who is actually living it. I wrote this book because many guys asked me to give them advice on women, and even life in general. It is actually one of the rare books that can maybe change your entire life. The book makes you understand exactly how to become better with women, and why it works. It can even turn you into a better man over-all. I write everything I have learned in my years of experience in it. One of the biggest things I learned with women is the following : It doesn’t matter what type of girl you are trying to get…the principles are the same for all women. They are all looking for certain things when they interact with you. So once you get this mindset, you can get attract all types of girls you want One of the questions people ask me is “how to get more sex for free in Thailand”. Well this is the way. You have cause attraction with women. They need to like you first. This type of knowledge puts you at another level and empowers you to interact with women in a great way. If you can make yourself even a little more powerful than you can have a huge advantage over other guys. There is certain characteristics that all guys need to have if they want to become better at causing attraction and becoming a leader.